Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 51. Garden Without Borders : A School for Developing Key Competences in (...) > 04. Partners > 03. Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Granada, Espagne

Paysage et patrimoine

03. Jardín Botánico de la Universidad de Granada, Espagne
dimanche 17 décembre 2017
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JPEG The Botanical Garden of the University of Granada (JBUGR) is located in the historic center of the city of Granada. It was created by the University, in 1850, to serve teaching and botanical research.

It operated during the second half of the nineteenth century and ceased operations during the twentieth century. He kept his land, but was relegated to the rank of ornamental garden. In 1998 he was restored. He found his plantations and his scientific and didactic character.

To respond to the project at Erasmus + "Garden without Borders", a multidisciplinary team has been formed with experience in the educational use of historic and botanical gardens.
- Manuel Casares Porcel, director of the botanical garden
- José Tito Rojo, his curator,
- Silvia Segarra Lagunes, academic coordinator of masters in landscape, garden and public space,
- Jimenez Garcia Rafael, Director of IES Escultor Sánchez Mesa, Otura
- Carmen Casas Ubeda, professor of visual arts and
- painter, project coordinator for IES Escultor Sánchez Mesa, Otura
- Maria Victoria Jerez Rozúa, Guillermina Garrido Garcia, Maria Silvia Cañete, teachers IES Escultor Sánchez Mesa, Otur
- The team of the Parque de las Ciencias de Granada

The intention is to develop teaching materials and experiences supported by the potential of the Botanical Garden itself as an environmental education tool based on past experiences. To do this, we intend to carry out activities with students focused on pilot experiences that may be useful to teachers for their teaching work.

Micro-exhibitions with materials developed by students, micro-gardens designed by schools as vertical gardens that can be recreated in various centers at low cost and with little congestion, partnerships with the high science park . All activities will be used to develop training materials that can be used by secondary school teachers, particularly in groups of students from different cultural and national backgrounds.

Keep in mind that in the Grenada environment, there is a high percentage of immigrant students from the Middle East, Eastern Europe and North Africa.

See the slideshow of the Botanical Garden of the University of Granada, presented at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, at the 1st Transnational Partnership Meeting, December 8, 2017

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