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Paysage et patrimoine

In the vegetable garden : notebooks
vendredi 28 novembre 2008
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To elaborate the steps of a project articulating written and pictorial language in a notebook.


- To explain an artistic process
- To articulate written and pictorial language
- To enrich the technical repertory


- Being able to a chart
- Being able to elaborate and fill in a visual Arts notebook.- Being able to achieve a painting project featuring vegetables from the garden.


- Vegetables
- Cardboard covered in white drawing paper
- Gouache, brushes, pastels, paper plates



Gérard Gasiorowski « peintures de fleurs en pots » (paintings of flowers in pots )


Before the session, explore, describe, elaborate charts about the texture, the colours and the shapes of the vegetables.

- 1) Make a list of the associated ideas originating from this exploration : healthy food, a feast for the senses, a commercial for the brand mark of soups or fertilizers, or a tale like « Jack and the magic bean » or on the contrary of the « Snow White » type, with poison in the apple…


- 2) Present the project : how to stage a vegetable so that it expresses an idea, a slogan, a story ? Elaborate individual researches and projects on the notebook.

- 3) Look for a gouache palette (see « a trip through a coloured vegetable garden » in relation with the painting by Gérard Gasiorowski). Draw each project with pencils, then paint it in gouache on large cardboards.


- Work on the theme of the scientific herbarium. Create a giant herbarium of the vegetable garden.
- Write down short poems about vegetable gardens.
- Display the boards in an exhibition….


These activities can be transposed in classes of any age.



It will check the pupil’s ability to :

- Reuse the pictorial (colour, drawing…) and written (lexical filed linked to vegetables) vocabulary.
- link up or oppose the artistic or scientific process.

Françoise Jon Les Violettes Elementary school, Mareil-Marly, Yvelines , France

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