Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

09. 9- Mail Art in the garden
mercredi 5 septembre 2018
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To use Mail Art to motivate the learning of transversal and key-competences of students with difficulties. _ To write messages and compose painted envelopes on the theme of the garden inspired also to the rich international repertoire of works of Artist of the Mail Art, in a specific context : participation in a competition promoted by the Association Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière.

PUBLIC Students from the Pre-primary up to the High school

- Communication in the mother tongue
- Social competences and citizenship
- Humanist culture and expression of sensitivity

- Oral communication to present the project. Written communication for sending the envelope.
- Writing minding spelling
- To use the envelop as a support as well as visual tools and materials,
- To enrich the repertoire of painting techniques.
- To discover the Mailing Art

The ’ Jardin des Arts’, an ephemeral garden implemented within the framework of the project by the young of the local Mission and the Agricultural High School students of Saint-Germain-en-Laye.

- Envelopes
- Magazines to be cut out
- Various elements to be pasted like textile, wool, pearls, vegetal materials and motifs, photos of gardens, leaves, etc.
- Painting tools : gouache, ink, acrylic
- Glue, scissors, crayons, watercolours, paintbrushes, etc.

1.Beforehand, exploration of the garden and use word to express one’s perceptions.
With a notebook and a camera at hand undertake the exploration of the garden reporting it in all forms : words, photos, materials (ground, plant elements..). Write down the words in the notebook or a card to build up a vocabulary progressively enriched and used again.

2.Implementation and communication of a project employing mail
Discover the Postal Art in its multiple forms linked to nature or gardens. It has sometimes been implemented by famous artists like Henri Matisse. Many websites are devoted to Postal Art. Express your thoughts about this pop art through images and written messages.
About the Mail Art

3.Realization of some palettes of colours, sampling of motifs starting from images and photos of the gardens. These palettes will then be utilized to implement the envelopes.

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- Using inks, first soak the surface of the envelope, then spread blotches of colours or impressions of dried leaves. Let everything dry and afterwards draw the profiles of each plant motif, first using a pencil and then a thin felt pen.

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- With cut out motifs, make up an image that will be photocopied in black and white on each envelope, one by one. Colour some motifs with crayons or watercolours.

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EXTENSION To write some words, a sentence, a little text to put in each envelop, linked to the topic of the garden.

It will assess the ability to :

Master the mother tongue orally and in writing
- Communicate one’s own project
- Speak purposefully using the correct vocabulary
- Get motivated to writing
- Enrich one’s repertoire with writing techniques
- Write minding spelling

Develop awareness, culture and expression
- Expand one’s repertoire of graphic techniques
- Re-use it, expand cultural knowledges
- Become an enthusiast of the Mailing Art

Develop social and civic competences
- Communicate one’s project
- Uphold reasons and choices
- Get motivated about maintaining a correspondence

Aline Rutily
Association Paysage et Patrimoine sans Frontière . Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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