Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 51. Garden Without Borders : A School for Developing Key Competences in (...) > 14. At Garden School. Training mobilities in the gardens of (...) > 10. 04-08 June 2018 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. 2nd training mobility of (...)

Paysage et patrimoine

10. 04-08 June 2018 Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. 2nd training mobility of the Erasmus + “Jardin sans frontière” Partnership, a school to develop key competences in Europe.
dimanche 10 juin 2018
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JPEG The second training mobility organized by the French partners takes place in Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France. The participants are teachers and trainers attached to the five partner structures of the project.

Training Learning Strategies
Participants learn how to build valuable learning experiences from the Saint-Germain garden in workshops, highlighting several important periods in the history of gardens, through field experience and the consultation between teachers of different specialties, at the crossroads of cultures.


The exchanges between trainers allow participants to work
- new pedagogical paths of work to be implemented by the teachers in formation.


- new modules that are offered by the trainers : some 20 teaching sheets have already been written. In particular the trainings proposed by Aline Rutily (Landscape and Heritage Without Borders Association), Mary Gino (Acquamarina Association, Trieste), Maria da Piedade Sebastiao and Rui Antonio (AEJD of Faro).


The group continued work on the summary (35 teaching sheets) and developed a new evaluation tool dedicated to training mobility.

The partnership is the subject of a public presentation. In this framework is presented a project of design of an ephemeral garden in the city with young people from the local Mission

Field visits in the gardens of Versailles and Saint-Germain-en-Laye


They allow to discover themes allowing to give a European dimension to its teaching :
- the garden as a witness to an era, landscapes and gardens on the banks of the Seine painted by the Impressionists ;
- the influence of models (Versailles) in the creation of gardens, their diffusion within Europe.


They implement the transversality of the approaches between mathematics (garden design, topography), literature (writing workshops), history of garden art : photography and garden book "in line with King Louis XIV" and contemporary plastic arts :


Exhibition at Espace Véra, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, of the installation "Virtual Garden" created by Rui Antonio, AEJD of Faro, and works realized as part of the training : Postal Art, Garden Notebooks.

All the participants evaluated very favorably this training mobility in Saint-Germain-en-Laye which allowed
- to strengthen collaboration with teachers and their classes,
- to considerably enrich, by diversifying, the educational work,
- to finalize the tools allowing to efficiently build each training mobility, by taking in target audiences and pedagogical approaches.

Aline Rutily, Project Coordinator, Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière Association, Saint-Germain-en-Laye


Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière Association FR
- Aline Rutily, project coordinator, Erasmus + developer, academic trainer of Visual Arts teachers
- Jean Soulier, president and trainer TICE
- The teachers and trainers of the association associated with the project

University of Granada Botanical Garden ES
- Jose Tito Rojo, curator, university professor
- Silvia Segarra Lagunes, Academic Coordinator of Masters in Landscape, Garden and Public Spaces

Agrupamento de Escolas João de Deus, Faro, Portugal
- Rui Antonio, teacher of TICE
- Guiomar Figueiredo, science teacher
- Maria Sebastião, science teacher

University of Padova Botanical Garden IT / Association Acquamarina, Trieste IT
- Mary Gino, teacher proficiency in the language
- Giuliana Corbatto, Professor Visual Arts
- Antonio Ambrosino, professor Visual Arts
- Marta Maggia, professor of natural sciences
- Elisa Corteggianni, professor of natural sciences
- Tiziana Buza, professor of natural sciences

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