Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 51. Garden Without Borders : A School for Developing Key Competences in (...) > 05. Transnational meetings > 02. April 12-15, 2018 Granada, Spain. 2nd transnational meeting of the (...)

Paysage et patrimoine

02. April 12-15, 2018 Granada, Spain. 2nd transnational meeting of the steering committee
mercredi 18 avril 2018
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JPEG In Granada, the Steering Committee is welcomed at the Carmen de la Victoria by Manuel Casares Director, and Jose Tito Rojo, Curator of the Botanical Garden of the University of Granada. Carmen de la Victoria, place of residence and work of the steering committee is the field of investigation of educational work.

The work of the steering committee focuses on the learning objectives of the partnership project and its target audience :
- the experimentation of the pedagogical strategies carried out by each partner to improve the key competences of the specific target groups in the school environment
- The writing of these strategies by each partner in the form of pedagogical sheet on the model defined in common
- The list of these teaching sheets per partner
- The development of a summary of the pedagogical file. In collaboration with all the project partners, a common summary of more than 30 pedagogical sheets has been sketched out.

Partners discover the pedagogical work carried out in Granada This pedagogical work initiated by the Botanical Garden of the University of Granada involves the IES Escultor Sánchez Mesa de Otura, coordinated by Carmen Casas, professor of visual arts and painter, through the working tracks below :
- Portrait of a plant
- Leaves of a thousand shapes
- Know the trees
- Portrait of a bird that does not exist
- Explore a local garden
- Colors in nature


Field visit
The field visit to Granada led by Jose Tito Rojo and Manuel Casares, allowed to discover the "carmen", walled garden and typical houses in Granada.
The field visit includes the Albaycin, territory in which falls the Carmen de la Victoria.


The Carmen de la Fundación Rodríguez-Acosta and the Carmen de los Mártires, built in the neighborhood of the Alhambra, allowed us to better understand the notion of carmen and its historiographical aspects.

JPEG The Botanical Garden of the University of Granada was the subject of a public presentation by Manuel Casares and Jose Tito Rojo, under the auspices of the enchanting setting of "Noche en Blanco", a white wedding setting of botany with poetry and literature.


Jose Tito Rojo, Manuel Casares, Aline Rutily

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