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Paysage et patrimoine

02. 2 - Creation of a dichotomous key to identify the plants of the garden
jeudi 4 avril 2019
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Elaboration of a dichotomous key to identify some Mediterranean plants characteristic of the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula. This activity is carried out within the framework of the learning activities related to key and transversal competences in the secondary school, addressed in particular to pupils with learning difficulties.

This pedagogical card was drafted and actualized by the students (especially those with difficulties) of the college of Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus in Faro, Portugal.
The activity was similarly experimented by the European teachers in a peer-to-peer training mobility in Funchal, from 20 to 24 February 2018.

- to master the mother tongue both in the oral and written expression
- learning to learn
- ICT competences
- social and civic competences

- learning how to carry out researches
- improving autonomy and the ability to research
- understanding how to implement a dichotomous key
- observing/analysing the various features of a plant
- deepening the personal knowledge on the flora of the Mediterranean countries
- strengthening environmental values and the protection of nature

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The Mediterranean gardens of the Iberian Peninsula, Portugal

- materials for collection (bags, pouches, scissors, pliers…)
- notebooks, crayons
- computers with the Internet connection, cameras

1.Each group of work chooses a series of Mediterranean plants Find on the Internet the description of the related images. Stimulate the ability to speak, debate, and be confident

2.Implement the dichotomous key This tool enables the identification and the distinction of the plants The dichotomous key – or determination key – is based on key questions concerning the presence or the absence of some characteristics which provide two options of answers. Each option enables another question which will have two possible answers.

3.Perform and test the dichotomous key The same series of plants are studied by the different groups of work

4.Go on with the task and enrich the dichotomous keys The same topics may be completed by students from the other groups who can add more questions at will.

It takes into account the students’ ability to :

- Master the oral and written language Using the oral and written language properly and correctly, recognize the names of the plants and their structural elements

- Learn to learn Creating and testing an operative protocol for the implementation of a scientific tool

- Develop digital skills

- Researching and selecting images and descriptions on the Internet to be used for the classification

- Develop social and civic competences Working and discussing within the groups, completing others’ works, suggesting and sharing other tools of identification and classification of plants.

Manuel Faustino
Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus in Faro, Portugal

Rosaria Prospero, Teacher of French language
Agrupamento de Escolas Joaode Deus, Faro, Portugal

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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