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Techniques for narrating the landscape
samedi 21 janvier 2012
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GIFPROJECT The pedagogical experience described in the project Savouring the ancient atmosphere on the streets of Mugla has been developed by means of a Laboratory of Expressive Techniques of Drawing, Graphic and Photography.

Different techniques have been employed in relation to the different approaches to the study of the urban setting of Mugla and the surrounding environment. In order to offer the students the possibility to select and use the means, tools and techniques coping with the communicative objective chosen, the relationship between the expressive media and the result aimed to has been investigated by following an educational itinerary structured in three fundamental phases.


-  to apply and experiment a project methodology in the school curriculum as an exercise of visual and graphic education
-  to employ correctly the tools connected with the graphic language.

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-  to be able to use knowledge, methods, graphic instruments and art material in the field of subjects inherent in the landscape and environment

-  material supports such as paper, colours, drawing tools, etc.
-  cultural supports such as :
-  books
-  magazines
-  photos
-  filed materials
-  articles
-  pictures


First phase

Presentation and experimentation of a series of practical techniques related to the graphic representation (by employing different tools and materials)- Workshop
As a result, the following techniques have been chosen :
-  Charcoal drawing (black and coloured)
-  Crayon drawing (coloured and pencil)
-  Indian ink drawing
-  Printing with linoleum matrix
-  Xylography
-  Photography
The techniques have been presented also by using famous models of some great Art Masters such as Leonardo Da Vinci, Durer, Escher, etc.
These techniques have been experimented by the students both during the workshop and the curricular art activities.

Second phase

-  Analysis of the results
-  Analysis of the communicative features resulted from the employment of the different techniques
-  Four main communicative fields have been selected :
1°, direct correspondence to reality : photography
2°, chromatic interpretation by using gradation and descriptive detailing : coloured crayons
3°, strong contrast between foreground and background with prevalence of ample contrasts and/or strong composed linearism : engraving techniques (linoleum and xylography)
4°, need to realize works with features of immediacy, such as sketches, quick details, etc. : black and coloured charcoal.

Third phase

On the field application. Outdoor activity Wander through Mugla’s downtown streets and choice of the perspective, the architectonic and environmental detail, landscape, etc.

Fourth phase

Realization of the works and exposition at school.

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Assessment is provided in three distinguished phases.

First phase

- Ongoing assessment and monitoring of the different phases of the project
- Assessment of the work progress in relation to the objectives
- Remedial intervention where necessary

Second phase

- Evaluation of the final result in relation to the objectives
- Assessment of the students’ learning level in relation to the subject proposed
- Assessment of the students’ acquired knowledge and competences

Third phase

- Evaluation of the individual’s and group’s ability to carry on an assigned task
- Evaluation of the interest and commitment in carrying out a concrete task based on a real request (realization of a product and its application in a real context)
- Evaluation of the operative dynamics pursued individually and in group during the different project phases
- Evaluation of the ability of the individual or the group in presenting their own work
- Evaluation of the level of awareness acquired by the students at the end of their project work.


Güzel Santlar Ve Spor Lisesi Mugla, TK.
- Recep Erdinc Ince,
- Mehmet Ozkaya,
Aydin Ugur Cakmak, 
- Ozkan Kaya

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