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01. Teaching materials

The educational sheets are currently being written and are not easily accessible at the moment. We apologize !

- Please note : these texts and images are intended to be used, but it is prohibited to copy them onto another site, or onto any other medium. They remain the property of their authors, protected by European intellectual property laws.

- The educational sheets in this section are taken from the dévédérom Cultivons notre Jardin. Pédagogie du patrimoine des jardins en Europe published by SCEREN in 2004 under the direction of Aline Rutily, designer of the Comenius Partnership The garden, living monument. Pedagogy of garden heritage in Europe

. These sheets are on this site, with the written authorization of their authors and its publisher, granted to l’Association paysage et patrimoine sans frontière, to disseminate them to the greatest number of users. See the history of this project and its partners

Since then, numerous sheets have been added to this list, written by new authors, in particular through new partnerships.

- In 2012, 21 new educational sheets were created in the Leonardo da Vinci project "Exchanges of practices on professional landscape training", with new partners including the Artist non Tahiti association in Polynesia
See the educational module produced in the Leonardo da Vinci Exchange of practices project on professional training in landscape

- In 2018, a new file was formed around the K2 Chemins du bleu strategic partnership in Europe, with new partners who each had a “blue project” un "projet bleu"

See the educational sheets produced in the K2 Strategic Partnership

- In 2019 new educational sheets were produced as part of the K2 Jardin sans frontières strategic partnership, with new partners

See the educational sheets produced in the K2 Garden Without Borders Strategic Partnership