Herbiers :

accueil site > 45. Archives > Paysage et patrimoine > 12. Pedagogic tools > 02. Bibliography

02. Bibliography

The bibliography is for use by teachers, educators, parents and teacher trainers. A bibliography specific to young people is available under the heading "For young people."

The bibliography was developed and validated by the various partner teams, from their own experiences and uses. It consists of two parts :
- educational materiel providing examples of activities to implement,
- reference works, to upgrade conceptual, theoretical and cultural concepts related to the garden.

  • 10. Reference books.

    19 novembre 2008

    A non-exhaustive selection of reference books. You can suggest new books or give your opinion on those listed. See "continuing discussions" at the end of the article.

    You can suggest new books or give your opinion on those listed. See "continuing discussions" at the end of the article.

  • 20. Teaching pedagogy

    19 novembre 2008

    A non-exhaustive selection of educational materials. You can suggest new references or give your opinion on those offered. See continuing discussions" at the end of the article.