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Grundtvig Patnership Breaking the barriers. Improve access to long life learning 2009-2010
Saturday 2 July 2011
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The Association "Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière" is invited to participate in a new European Grundtvig project Breaking the barriers

The project’s goal is to find new strategies to educational centers, the creation and dissemination of innovative instruments for adult education. These instruments will have been built by the comparison and exchange of experiences and good practices carried out by three structures operating in different contexts but all involved in continuing education for adults.

The project focuses in particular on issues related to multiculturalism in contemporary society and has developed a strategy to disseminate its results and make them accessible to learners.

The use of audiovisual and interactive media has enabled the production of educational modules accessible to learners of different origins. Inspired by the sharing of successful experiences of partner organizations in their cultural contexts and territorial sharing allows teachers to take ownership of common working methods and validate them in organizations.

These methods will then be applied in different socio-cultural contexts of the project partners and sent to the education community to improve and facilitate the possibility of access to the culture of "adult student". The online tools can continue to "break down barriers" between cultures, and to continue collaborations between structures, well beyond the eligibility period of the project

The project’s partners

- "Università per la Formazione Permanente degli Adulti" Giovanna Bosi Maramotti IT
Elisa Belletini European projects assistant , project designer and coordinator.

- "Association Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière" FR
Aline Rutily European project manager .

- " International Cultural Center" "GEORGE APOSTU" BACAU RO
Gheorghe Popa, Director of the Centre

Project stages

- Ravenna IT 21-22 january 2010 First meeting of the project Breaking the barriers.
- 6 march 2010 in Paris. Training course Breaking the barriers. European gardens in the Middle Age .
- 14 april 2010 Ambleville. Training courseBreaking the barriers. Gardens of Europe during the Renaissance .
- 22 may 2010 Versailles. Training course Breaking the barriers.
- June 2010 Cahors Juin-Jardins Worshop Breaking the barriers
- July 2010 Breaking the territorail and linguistic barriers in the International Festival of Chaumont sur Loire
- September 2010 Chambourcy FR. Training course Breaking the barriers.
- 22 October 2010 International meeting Ravenna IT Breaking the barriers.
- 17-18 November 2010 International meeting Paris FR Breaking the barriers.
- December 2010 Adult education: a challenge? by Simona Ciobanu Ravenna, IT Breaking the barriers.
- January 2011 Georges Apostu Centre Europe, an intercultural project by Nicoleta Popa Breaking the barriers.
- February 2010 Adult education today. Simona Ciobanu Ravenna, IT Breaking the barriers.
- March 2011 Bacau RO International partnership meeting Breaking the barriers..
- April 2011 Bacau, RO International partners’ meeting. Visit of the George Apostu Centre Bacau, RO Breaking the barriers.
- May 2011The Residency Cultural program Maria Ignat George Apostu Centre Bacau, RO Breaking the barriers.
- June 2011 Cahors Juin-Jardins- Bruno Riboulot Conference Breaking the barriers.
- 30 June 2011 Dissemination of the project Breaking the barriers Ravenna IT

Role of the Association « Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière »

Since its foundation, the Association has pursued the principal objective which is to engage in projects linking the particularities of each country and the creation of a common intercultural base.

This association, whose participants are academics, researchers, artists, scientists and teachers, is involved in adult training and education of different nationalities living together within the same territory: British, German, Italian, Portuguese, Spanish. Its principal partners are the priciple museums and art centres of Paris (Centre Georges Pompidou, Musée d’Orsay, École Nationale du Paysage de Versailles etc…)

Since 2000 its members have been involved in European projects as developers or partners for multilateral projects, whose results are online at : http://paysage-patrimoine-jardin.eu.

Today "Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière" is working and employing the good practices of these projects in the perspective of adult education with the aim of creating a base of common knowledge and intercultural skills:
- teaching worksheets,
- educational tools online
- Courses linking different sensitive and cognitive approaches.

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