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01. I propose a landscape notebook
Friday 10 October 2008
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Be the author of a beautiful landscape notebook published on this site. To submit your notebook, follow the explanations:

1. Preparation: Write a beautiful text (maximum 20 lines or 1000 characters). Choose ten pictures (500 to 800 pixels wide, 150 kb), from 1 to 10. Image 1 will appear next to the title of the book.

2. Uploaded . Click :

- "Lire article".
- "Description": copy the text.
- "Parcourir" in Image 1. Select from the file, the first image.
- "Parcourir in Image 2 " Repeat for the second image, then so on for other images.
- "Valider" at the bottom of the page.

The book is available. If it is validated and accepted, it will be visible in the list of books in 2-3 days.

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