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Paysage et patrimoine

In Enghien Château’s gardens : footpath
vendredi 28 novembre 2008
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To develop perception in space, the aptitude for thinking in three dimensions thanks to a walk in a park.


- To spot a place, to move about.
- To describe and represent space organisation.


Enghien park

Work in partnership with the Environment Initiation Centre, a service set in the park of Enghien Château, in order to implement a two-way partnership between the teacher and the specialized guide. Each partner uses their specific skills to bring into class life the skills and notions tackled by the pupils during the activities.


The children are divided up into four groups. At the park entrance, each group is given a different route written in the form of a text to decipher, as well as a clue photo.

Each text will bring the group to a strategic spot in the park, which will be different for each group. To check their position, the group will use the clue photo, taken within a radius of five metres from the spot to discover.

Once they have reached the given spot, the children position themselves in front of the castle’s tower ( the highest element of the park ), and draw what they see on A3 paper.

Once the work is completed, the groups meet at the park entrance and share their findings with the help of the specialised animating guide. The drawings are numbered from 1 to 4. Each group is given a full map of the park and have to replace the figures corresponding to the location from which the drawing has been made. The children justify their choices by clues, drawings and maps.

Each group is given the text route of another group, must decipher it and draw it on a map. This way, they will be able to check their spot location hypotheses from which the drawings have been made.

Delcampe Maxime, Pierard Delphine, Plisnier Laurent, Riche Alice, Talon Marie

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