Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

The gardens of the Alhambra and the Generalife in Granada.
mardi 2 septembre 2008
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This is a sensorial, artistic, geographical and historical path to the monument.


- To start a study of the relations between space and time thanks to geographical, historical and social course
- To become familiar with the techniques of interpretation and composition thanks to drawings, sketches, plain house, city or landscape plans.
- To acquire the basic vocabulary in geography, history and social studies
- To acquire the knowledge, the behaviour, the skills necessary to the conservation and the protection of the environment.


Being able to use investigating techniques such as :

- Finding and interpreting the sources
- Reading historical and civil documents
- Visiting public centres, societies, monuments, museums
- Interviewing and being able to make up a questionnaire
- Examining and using means of communication.

Being able to use the dynamics of group work ad to work in small groups.


- Audio-visual documents made by the pupils as well as by professionals.
- Plans, sketches, drawings of monument, historical texts
- Pictures and audiovisual representations of the Alhambra garden
- Educational equipment elaborated about the peculiar theme of the garden
- Camera and video camera
- Computers JPEG


The gardens of the Alhambra and of the Generalife in Granada.


Preliminary step : to base on the notions acquired in class relating to the period during which Andalusia became Muslim and became essential centre of « al-Andalus ». Contrary to the previous German invasions, which melted into the Roman world, the Muslims brought the local population to assimilate the culture of Islam. Ha the pupils understand the depth of the rift which took place between the various social layers because of the Muslim invasion.

Visit of the gardens and the monuments of the Alhambra

From this reflection, an agenda of the monuments of the Alhambra is set up as follows :
- Puerta de la Justicia Alcazaba Aljibe
- Los Palacios Mexuar
- Oratorio
- Patio del Cuarto Dorado
- Comares (Including the Embajadores y Sala de la Barca room)
- Patio de los Leones (Localisation and distribution of space ; decoration, Bovedas, Mocàrabes y Fuente)
- Baths
- Generalife ad the gardens

During the visit, follow the itinerary in the gardens of the Alhambra and take pictures, notes, and draw.

Pool the data

After the visit the information gathered is put in common. The experience is discussed. An interdisciplinary study is led together with other subjects in order to deepen the study of the Nasride period in Granada. JPEG


This course permits the development of educational interdisciplinarity

The following themes may be raised :

- Education to the environment
- Socialisation
- Education to the historical and architectural patrimony


Check if the basics have been acquired and analyse the improvements of the pupils in their representation of space and time.

- Check the ability of the pupils to expose them in a clear and accurate manner.
- Check their ability to reuse the process in other contexts.

Maria Josefa Lopez Montes. Teacher in History of the Arts. Vocational centre. Maracena. Granada. Spain.

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