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Paysage et patrimoine

0996. 24 - Drawing insects from natural life
samedi 15 septembre 2018
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To realise drawings of insects directly from nature thanks to a partner in possession of the insectarium Lorca of the Garcia Lorca Park in Granada. The presence of its director Dom Antonio de la Blanca in our school has enabled our students to closely observe the different species of insects, touch them and be inspired with the creation of a visual art ’bestiary’. Though the artistic aspect plays a main role, the whole activity displays cross-curricular elements to favour the learning of transversal and key competences.

High school students who have chosen the optional learning of Visual and Audiovisual Arts. This activity has been the subject of an exhibition at the University of Granada, from 16 to 20 October 2018, within the activities related to the third training and learning mobility of the project

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- Communication in the mother tongue
- Learning to learn
- Social competences and citizenship
- Humanist culture and expression of sensitivity
- ICT competences

- To establish a direct contact with the garden to develop creativity, imagination and artistic expression
- To learn to overcome the customary repulsion for insects and be interested in the shape of their bodies, legs, antennae, jaws, etc. aesthetic colours, appearance and matter. This will help constitute a bestiary, a kind of artistic collection present in the history of art. Learn how to be implied in the project and be responsible for a part of its realisation.
- To develop a cross-curricular learning of the ’garden bestiary’ involving mastering the language, arts and sciences.

The garden of IES Escultor Sanchez mesa de Otura (Granada)

- Computer, tablet or camera
- Drawing notebook, watercolour paper
- Pencils of different types, watercolours

Presentation of Don Antonio de la Blanca, director of the Insectarium of the park Garcia Lorca in Granada, its role, its conservative activity and diffusion of the different species of living insects
- Explanation on the characteristics and peculiarities of the species of insects presented
- Observation of each insect and annotation on the notebook
- At their will, the students choose the insects as models for their drawings and paintings, and draw sketches in the drawing book. Photographic report of the details.
- In the classroom, drawing and painting on watercolour paper employing different techniques
- To be aware that scientific culture provides personal enrichment ; a relationship with the world through arts.

It takes into account the ability to :
Communicate orally and in writing in the mother tongue
- correct use of the oral and written language
- building up a personal notebook starting from the ’bestiary of insects’
- expression of ideas, knowledges, opinions

Develop competences related to awareness and cultural expression
- promotion of one’s personal enrichment and attitude to relate with the world around through the scientific and artistic culture
- using artistic creation as a means of personal expression
- practising visual arts – painting and drawing - to reproduce insects with regard to their aesthetic forms
- being able to conform to a specific subject or a particular environment in order to develop one’s own creativity
- using the results deriving from close observations of the animal world as a vehicle for the artistic creativity

Learn how to learn. Learn how to realize an artistic project, set up its organization, phases and self-evaluation

Develop social and civic competences. Learn how to get involved in the project taking responsibility of a part of it.

Maria del Carmen Casa Ubeda, Visual Artist. Teacher of Visual Arts and audiovisuals.
IES Escultor Sanchez Mesa de Otura (Granada) educational centre connected with the pedagogical team of Granada coordinated by the Botanical Garden of the University of Granada, Spain

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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