Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

08. 8 - Creative writing in the garden and by the garden
vendredi 19 avril 2019
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Starting from selected excerpts from the work Written in a Garden by Marguerite Yourcenar research ways of relationship between words and the garden. Motivate the implementation of transversal and key competences in oral and written communication of students, particularly those with weak results

PUBLIC This methodology was experimented and drafted in the tropical garden of Monte Palac, at Monte, close to Funchal, Madeira, Portugal, from 20 to 24 February, with European teachers during the peer-to-peer training mobility. It has similarly been the object of implementation with different audiences, high school students with weak results, from Cortina d’Ampezzo and Trieste, Italy

- Communication in the mother tongue
- Social competences and citizenship
- Humanist culture and expression of sensitivity

To implement a pedagogical strategy placing the garden as vehicle to
- enhance reading, creative practice, communication in the mother tongue and that of the hosting country, group dialogue, listening to others
- to encourage the intellectual curiosity for the European literary heritage

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Tropical garden of Monte Palace in Madeira, Portugal
Gardens of Cortina d’Ampezzo and Trieste, Italy

- The booklet by Marguerite Yourcenar Written in a Garden, (Fata Morgana Publ.) translated into many languages, and a collection of other literary works on the theme of the garden
- Materials to write and draw (paper, pencils, pens, watercolour..)

The activities develop in 5 phases after an individual exploration of the garden :
- to read aloud the texts selected, fragments, quotations, passages from the work by Yourcenar and other authors. At the same time to look at the garden to fully perceive the richness, fragility and beauty of nature

- to introduce some themes of writing starting from reading, for instance : childhood, trees, imagination, loneliness, silence, shade, water…. To suggest that the participants fill out the list with themes of their choice

- to write short autobiographical texts inspired to these themes linking together personality and garden

- to illustrate the text with drawings, painting, photos, etc.

- to join texts and images in a ’Green Notebook’. With reference to Marguerite Yourcenar’s work, words and images will constitute the core material for the creation of a personal, creative notebook


It takes into account the ability to :
Master the oral and written mother tongue
- To enrich the oral and written mother tongue with the acquisition of terms borrowed from literary and poetic texts
- To build up and implement written texts minding spelling and poetic rules (form, metric, rhyme..)

Develop awareness and cultural expression
- To develop the ability to express in an artistic and creative form
- To use and improve the range of techniques to realize the ’Green Notebook’

Develop social and civic competences
- To dialogue and communicate in a critical way, to share the notebooks implemented

Patrizia Rigoni
Acquamarina Associazione Culturale – Trieste - Italy

Annamaria Castellan
Acquamarina Associazione Culturale – Trieste - Italy

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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