Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

06. 6 - Sensations at the street market
lundi 16 avril 2018
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PROJECT To motivate the learning of key and transversal competences in students with difficulties through a sensory approach to the garden

PUBLIC This methodology was experimented and validated by European teachers within a peer-to-peer training course at the Gardens of Funchal (Madeira-Portugal) from 20 to 24 February 2018 with the aim to develop key competences among their learners.

The same pedagogical tools have been experimented with different ranges of public :
- pupils of the pre-primary school, Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de deaus, Faro, Portugal
- pupils of the primary school of the Communauté d’Agglomeration de Saint-Germain Bucle de Seine, France
- pupils of the primary school of the Lycée Francais Alexandre Dumas, Moscow, Russia

- Communication in the mother tongue
- Social competences and citizenship
- Humanist culture and expression of sensitivity

- Being motivated to oral and written communication
- Creating plastic works on the basis of the details and photos selected
- Sharing with others, exchanging and debating, making choices and giving advice

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- Gardens and markets with their products
- The street market in Funchal
- Other markets

1.At school after the visit to the market. View the images of the garden and the close- ups on fruit, vegetables and other products

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2.At the market. Activate the five senses : sight, taste, smell, touch, hear the sounds around. Use words to describe your sensations distinguished by smell, colour, taste. Choose the details you want to photograph : colour, spots, shape….

3.Back to school.
- In groups select the photos of the products by form, colour, etc. Give account for your choices
- Mention the colours and dictate or write them on the board according to the school level
- Build up collages assembling cuttings of photos, painting, felt, pastel, etc.

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Give a title to each work. Make a collection of the works to be published on the website or photocopied and distributed among parents and school partners
See the carnet of the works realized at the Funchal street market by the teachers during their Erasmus training mobility

It takes into account the ability to :

- 1. Master the oral and written mother tongue
- To be able to use orally and in writing the vocabulary inherent in the market
- To be able to communicate respecting grammar and syntax

2. Develop awareness and cultural expression
To be able to select the photos according to artistic criteria : matter, colour, motif, shape, etc.

3. Develop social and human competences
To talk, exchange with others, be involved and motivated in the group work
To achieve confidence

Naima Halim Josse
Association Paysage et Patrimoine sans frontière, Saint-germain-en-Laye, France
Dora Luis
Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus, faro, Portugal

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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