Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 12. Pedagogic tools > 17. Pedagogic tools > 00. Key and transversal competences worked in the file

Paysage et patrimoine

00. Key and transversal competences worked in the file
jeudi 7 juin 2018
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The file was designed from
- a common reference system of skills related to the theme of the garden.
See the common reference system
- a standard plan for a pedagogical sheet adopted collectively
See the standard plan

It is part of the logical framework of a global educational project for the training of students and teachers and its progressive assessment over 2 years.
See the assessment of the educational axis of the project

- Sensitivity and cultural expression.
This competence is exercised in each of the educational strategies proposed in the book. It is based on the garden as a vector of creative expression of ideas, experiences and emotions in various forms, including literature, visual arts, photography, science, mathematics …

- Numerical competence.
It concerns each activity. It involves the mastery of information and communication technologies, where the use of digital is at the service of a personal and creative project related to the garden : use of digital technology in the virtual herbarium, the interactive installation, the photography, the catalog, the online notebook, the presentation of a project …

- Mathematical skill and basic skills in science and technology.
Mathematical competence develops from the discovery and observation of the geometry present in nature, in its articulation with the sciences and the arts through the garden. Basic science and technology skills are based on the mastery, use and application of the knowledge and methodologies used to explain the major scientific concepts related to botany. This understanding contributes to building the responsibility of every individual as a citizen on Earth.

- Communication in the mother tongue.
This skill is transversal to all the educational sheets of the book. It is the ability to express and interpret, both orally and in writing, the concepts, thoughts, feelings, statements motivated by the exploration of the cultural field of the garden : inventory, notebook, story, story, glossary , catalog, interview, letters …

Learn to learn,
both individually and in groups.

- Social and civic skills
skills based on the management, by the learner himself, of his own learning. The development of self-confidence, the ability to dialogue, to share, in particular the feeling of belonging to one’s country, to the European Union, with respect due to the diversity of everyone’s choices and personal options, entrepreneurial and entrepreneurial spirit, the ability to creativity, to innovation in the management of one’s own projects.

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