Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

03. 3 - Logo of the project
vendredi 30 mars 2018
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To create a logo for the Erasmus+ project Jardin sans frontière. To employ this activity to develop transversal and key competences of the students, especially those with learning difficulties and needing to gain further motivation.
To understand also that the logo is the graphic representation of the project, where only symbols and fonts are used. It is a graphic product defining the brand image of the project.

This pedagogical card has been drafted and experimented with the students with special needs of Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus of Faro, Portugal, during the training course ’Communication and Multimedia Technicians’. The activity was similarly experimented by the European teachers in a peer-to-peer training mobility in Funchal, from 20 to 24 February 2018.

- Communication in the mother tongue
- Learning to learn
- Social competences and citizenship
- ICT competences

- To tackle the concept of Marketing
- To learn the concept of Design
- To analyse different logos
- To learn/deepen the use of ICT software (Adobe Illustrator, Corel, Adobe Photoshop).

GARDENS EXPLORED The students have studied the various types of garden and the specific vegetation of the partner countries involved.

- Computers with the internet access
- Drawing paper
- Drawing materials : pencil, eraser, ruler, etc.

1.Becoming aware of the identity of the project Jardin sans frontière. Personal interpretation of this concept to express and communicate in debates with the other students

2.Sketching on paper of the graphic and font elements and of the colour associated with the project identity

3. Learning and reuse the proper software (Adobe Illustrator, Corel) to conceive a proposal of the logo considering the following rules :
- a logotype must be simple : a good logo is an unexpected, surprising image, without exaggerations
- a logotype must be easily remembered
- a logotype must be timeless
- a logotype must be versatile : it must be created in vector format to favour its re-dimensioning to any size. It must convey meaning even in only one colour
- a logotype must be appropriate and correspond to the target foreseen

4.Presentation and upholding one’s project before the teacher and the classmates

5.The final logotypes have been created by Nadia, Milene, Raquel, Rita, Rodrigo Jacinto, Rodrigo Ruivo, Andreia, Beatriz Alfonso, Beatriz Machado, Erica, Geraldynn, Magda.

(See the proposals)

After creating the logo, the students must build up the operational handbook pointing out size, colour codes, adding the black and white representations and the two versions on a black or white background.

It takes into account the student’s ability to :
- Mastering the oral and written mother tongue : to present orally and uphold a project with the support of one’s production, to write it minding the spelling
- Mastering the ICT skills, with regards to the proper software for the creation of the logos
- Learning to learn : reuse previous knowledges (graphic elements, typography, colour), to research and sketch ; to work individually, to outline the different phases apt to realize the project
- Development of the social competences : to present the work to others, to work in group
- Development of spirit of initiative and entrepreneurship

Paula Henriques Pereira – Agrupamento de Escolas Joaode Deus, Faro, Portugal

Rosaria Prospero, Teacher of French language
Agrupamento de Escolas Joaode Deus, Faro, Portugal

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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