Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 51. Garden Without Borders : A School for Developing Key Competences in (...) > 14. At Garden School. Training mobilities in the gardens of (...) > 15. 14-18 May 2019. 4th Training mobility in Padova, IT

Paysage et patrimoine

15. 14-18 May 2019. 4th Training mobility in Padova, IT
mardi 25 juin 2019
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It is under the sign of Descartes that begins in the Padova Historical Botanical Garden, the second day of pedagogical training of trainers of the Erasmus + "Jardin sans frontière" strategic partnership.

Today this group is joined by high school classes, indirect target audience of the project : in the morning, the Fermi Scientific High School in Padova and in the afternoon the Nordio Artistic High School in Trieste.

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Despite the rain and the bad weather, students supervised by their teachers and trainers French, Spanish, Italian and Portuguese participate with happiness in the activities of displacement allowing them to use their knowledge in reading of cartesian plan, in geometry, in trigonometry.

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As a result of these activities, the group follows in the footsteps of the first photographers, in particular those of Anna Atkins and her cyanotype herbaria. From photos taken in the garden, participants discover the process of making this photographic technique, from the photosensitive emulsion on paper to the realization of a monochrome blue.

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Padova is the city that hosts the last training of the project "Garden without Borders". Despite the gray weather, wandering the streets illuminates the mood of those who arrive. The city is amazing for its beauty : streets, architecture, canals with small bridges .

The students and professors of the Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus, Faro, Portugal

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