Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 51. Garden Without Borders : A School for Developing Key Competences in (...) > 04. Partners > 04. Orto Botanico Università di Padova, Italie

Paysage et patrimoine

04. Orto Botanico Università di Padova, Italie
dimanche 17 décembre 2017
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PNG The Orto Botanico, is a University Research Center open to the general public, part of the University of Padova which has 32 departments.

The Orto Botanico, created in 1545, is the oldest University Botanical Garden in the world, among those that can be visited. This UNESCO-listed garden has been extended by a contemporary section, the Biodiversity Garden, which contains collections of plant species organized in different environments. This contemporary part is dedicated to science education. She receives many students from primary school to high school for visits and scientific workshops.

The areas of expertise of the team in the Garden without Borders project focus on botany, conservation of plant species, through school education and the general public, publications aimed at these audiences, the organization of cultural and scientific events.

The target audience for the project is students from Padova (from primary school to university), the general public, experts (botanists, art historians, photographers, painters, artists). In 2015, the Garden received around 220,000 visitors (all categories).

The contribution of the Botanical Garden for the project is therefore
- his expertise in the field of science education for schoolchildren and the general public.
- its great ability to disseminate and promote the project during the events planned in the project in May 2019 (exhibition, symposium, conference).

Local team for the implementation of the program :
- Prof. Barbara Baldan, Director of the Botanical Garden
- Prof. Lorella Navazio, Deputy Director of the Botanical Garden
- Dr. Maria Cristina Villani, expert in plant systematics
- Dr. Rossella Marcucci, Curator of the Herbarium
- Dr. Robert Tacchetto, Garden Conservator
- Dr. Carlo Calore, head of communication, university press relations and the organization of events in the garden
- Dr. Erika Tresoldi administrative management

See the slideshow of the Orto Botanico project presented at Saint-Germain-en-Laye, at the 1st Transnational Partnership Meeting, December 8, 2017

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