Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 51. Garden Without Borders : A School for Developing Key Competences in (...) > 05. Transnational meetings > 03. 27-30 September 2018 Trieste, Italy 3rd Transnational Meeting of the (...)

Paysage et patrimoine

03. 27-30 September 2018 Trieste, Italy 3rd Transnational Meeting of the Steering Committee of the project "Jardin sans frontière"
dimanche 30 septembre 2018
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The project group was welcomed in Trieste by Annamaria Castellan, president of the Acquamarina Association. The work took place in the former military residence of Trieste University Hospital.

The meeting began with the reception of the regional director of ARDISS (Regional Agency for the Law of Higher Education), Mrs. Lydia Alessio Vernì, for the position of advisor at work, training, teaching, research, university and family of the Friuli Venezia Giulia region.
The work of the project team focused on the following points :
- balance of activities and report of each partner ;
- presentation of the program of the training meeting in Granada (October 2018) ;
- educational sheets : assessment and update of the list.

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Reading of the Trieste Botanical Garden by the director of the municipal museums of the municipality of Trieste, accompanied by the director of the garden Massimo Palma, who after presenting the history of the garden, the botanist Marco Paparot directed the visit of the Park and Bosco Farneto .
During the visit, some of the educational activities offered by the Botanical Garden to schools of all levels were illustrated.

Tour of Miramare Castle and Park The group was welcomed by Andreina Contessa, director of the museum of the castle and Miramare Park in Trieste, and by Dr. Lorenza Fonda, park curator, led the group to discover the botanical species present in the park.

Broadcast event Inauguration of the photo exhibition "Orto in Blu - Tribute to the Botanical Garden of Padua" at Caffè San Marco
The exhibition presents 11 large format photographs and 25 composite photos, all made by Annamaria Castellan and her students, students of the Liceo Artistico de Cortina d’Ampezzo in the ancient technique of Cianotipia.
The vice-rector of the University of Trieste, prof. Renato Gennaro and Dr. Andreina Contessa, Director of the Castle Museum and Miramar Park were present.

Giulinana Corbatto
Association Acquamarina, Trieste

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