Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 51. Garden Without Borders : A School for Developing Key Competences in (...) > 05. Transnational meetings > 04. 4th Transnational Meeting, Orto Botanico, Padova, Italy 21-24 February (...)

Paysage et patrimoine

04. 4th Transnational Meeting, Orto Botanico, Padova, Italy 21-24 February 2019
mercredi 27 février 2019
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The fourth meeting of the Steering Committee, hosted by Director Barbara Baldan and her team, takes place at the Padova University Botanical Garden.

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It is the time to
- re-evaluate the Jardin sans Frontière project in anticipation of the impact of its interim report
- follow the main local actions of the project : progress reports and dissemination plan, analysis of the documents brought by the participants and financial and administrative balance,
- take stock of the already written (26) and remaining (9) teaching files,
- jointly develop the program for the next training mobility to be held in Padova in May 2019, based on the training needs expressed by the trainers and learners.
- discover the synthesis of the work carried out through its educational facilities : a very large number of schools, because of the influence of the educational facilities of the garden of biodiversity, at national and international level, in particular, for what concerns the project, the schools of Trieste, Padova and Cortina d’Ampezzo

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The partners visited the Orto Botanico, the very site of the Padova team’s working area. They discovered
- the ancient garden, its history, its essential role as a testimony of the first university botanical garden in the world history of gardens,
- the Biodiversity Garden, made from materials and according to a concept that meets the requirements of the contemporary era,
- the interactive tools created to address and make available to all public - including handicapped - the great botanical concepts of today.
- the attractive framework planned to accommodate the last learning, training and teaching mobility planned for May 2019.

Barbara Baldan, Orto Botanico di Padova, Padova, Italy
Aline Rutily, Association Paysage et patrimoine sans frontière, Saint-Germain-en-Laye, France

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