Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

01. 1- Ethnic-botanical enquiry in the garden
mardi 3 avril 2018
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To carry out an ethnic-botanical project, a scientific filed which studies the relationship between man and plants and how the populations use plants resources.
These traditional knowledges, which are an integral part of a people’s cultural heritage, are destined to disappear over time.
The students are encouraged to enquire their families, friends and acquaintances in order to get to know and preserve popular knowledge. The enquiry has stimulated the students to build flower-beds with aromatic and medicinal plants within the school area.

This pedagogical card was performed and actualized by the students with learning difficulties of the Agrupamento de Escolas Joao de Deus of Faro.
The same activity was experimented also by the European teachers on the occasion of the first peer-to-peer training mobility developed in Funchal from 20 to 24 February 2018.

- communication in the mother-tongue
- social and civic competences
- ICT competences - learning to learn

- to enhance the intergenerational contacts
- to enhance the collective memory
- to share information about different places
- to get to know and deepen the knowledge on plants
- to share a common or particular culture concerning a specific environment

Creation of a vegetable garden with aromatic and medicinal plants inside the school area

- writing tools, a notebook
- computer
- internet connection
- a grid for the elaboration of the questions

1.Elaboration of a questionnaire to be addressed to families and friends
The aim of the questionnaire is to enquiry on the old and popular utilization of plants.
The objective of the ethnic-botanical studies is to maximise the collection of traditional, popular knowledges on the subject.
The people who detain these knowledges are no doubt the oldest ones

2.Elaboration of an inventory with the different uses of the plants This activity is organized by the teacher who leads the researches >identify and classify the most known aromatic and medicinal plants >on the Internet research images and explanations about their characteristics The students gather the pieces of information and build up an inventory of plants and their use.

See the inventory of plants and their instructions for use

3.Creation of a poster showing a summary of the each plant’s characteristics

It checks the ability of each pupil to :
Master their oral and written language
- oral presentation of their own project
- upholding a coherent and consistent conversation
- taking notes

Develop their technological competences
- mastering digital skills
- carrying out a research on the Internet
- presenting the work in the form of a text and of images

Develop their social and civic competences
- presenting their work to other people
- cooperating and working together
- speaking properly to older people

Learning to learn through
- observation
- taking notes
- writing a report

Manuel Faustino, Teacher of Sciences
Agrupamento de Escolas Joaode Deus, Faro, Portugal

Rosaria Prospero, Teacher of French language
Agrupamento de Escolas Joaode Deus, Faro, Portugal

Mary Gino
Association Acquamarina, Trieste, Italie

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