Paysage et patrimoine :

accueil site > Paysage et patrimoine > 11. Erasmus+ Partnership > 05. Blue Projects of partners > The « Blue » Project of the Tagliolini Foundation, San Quirico d’Orcia, (...)

Paysage et patrimoine

The « Blue » Project of the Tagliolini Foundation, San Quirico d’Orcia, Italy
samedi 19 décembre 2015
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JPEG The blue path in Val d’Orcia can not be separated from the history of ceramics and its artistic expressions. Of course, this art of ceramics is closely related to a territory which, from a geological point of view, is mainly clay.

In Val d’Orcia, the art of ceramics has often been expressed by pictorial forms characterized by the use of the blue colour.

The Tagliolini Foundation,Center for the Study of the Landscape and the Garden could have also chosen to develop its project through the landscape and the nature -the river, the sky, the mountains, the flowers-, but it wanted to follow a distinct line centered on the man, the craftsman, the artist, as well as on the natural material.

Its main objective is therefore to meet disadvantaged persons (elderly, disabled) and also the children of the primary schools, to initiate collective ways of acquiring knowledge and skills related to a job, with a theme - clay - that lends itself to manipulation, by both experts and inexperienced hands.


The principle is, ultimately, to join the craftsman of antiquity who gives birth to the first forms of art through the manipulation of clay and painting.

After all, this is how the great Author of the cosmos, in the beginning, created man and all things.


To achieve all this, the tools used by the Tagliolini Foundation will be lessons, workshops, guided tours, exhibitions.

- See the presentation and project of the Tagliolini Foundation at the First Transnational Meeting of the project, In Granada .

Paolo Naldi, Director of the Tagliolini Foundation
San Quirico d’Orcia, IT

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