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The Blue Project of the N V Karpen Technical Communications College, Bacau, Romania
vendredi 10 novembre 2017
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The Colegiul Tehnic N V Karpen of Bacau has the experience, the seriousness and the quality necessary to get back to work in progress of the project, to test it in its structure and to carry out the other actions planned in the project. The Colegiul is working with the Accentul CIrcumflex association to plan a timetable for a transnational meeting from November, 23 to 26, 2017, in Voronet and Iasi, cities located on the "European Route of Blue" in Romania.

The aim is to bring together the new team and the project representatives (coordinator, Center for Adult Education in Maracena Granada ES), to start the work and draw together the new lines of work.
Colegiul’s extensive experience in European cooperation, its expertise in the field of communication, the quality of its professors, its regional outreach capabilities, its experience in European cooperation, and the transsectoriality of its public are a guarantee of impact for the dissemination of the project.

The tasks of Colegiul Tehnic N V Karpen are centered on
- the organization of a field team,
- the choice of a small group of learners, the assessment of their needs, the program of a pedagogical work,
- the definition of a "blue path" to be drawn in Romania,
- the writing of a summary for the book "The paths of blue in Europe"
- the list of web articles to write in connection with the project (articles, virtual notebooks, herbaria)
- the experimentation and the writing of teaching cards,
- the participation in the transnational meeting in San Quirico, IT, from 22 to 25 October 2017, with a powerpoint presentation (the team, the field, how the project will be implemented).
- the participation in the dissemination of the project in its school and its team, as well as in the results of the project during the two dissemination events planned for March 2018, in Maracena Granada, Spain and June 2018, in Saint-Germain-en Laye, France.

Angela Ginta, Colegiul Tehnic N V Karpen, Bacau, Romania

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