Paysage et patrimoine :

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Paysage et patrimoine

02. Transcultural Carpet Blue
jeudi 15 décembre 2022
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You can take part in the Transcultural blue Carpet, an interactive artwork created by Aline Rutily, on line

Old or young , in a class or with your family, alone or with friends, you can participate in the Transcultural blue Carpet, by planting your own " blue square" : a photograph of your favourite blue : fabric, flower, landscape, painting, light, collage, butterfly, bird… The only condition is : the image is blue and square.

A Blue book accompanies the artwork : it is constructed as an immense intercultural inventory to express the colour blue, in all languages of Internet users.
Exercise your pen : blue words can be found in painters’ palettes, paint boxes, fabric samples, the names of precious stones or flowers, the poems, literary texts…

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